Monday, February 2, 2009

Something else that's super cool

I haven't written anything in almost a week. There is a reason for this, I've been wanting to put up pictures of my room but can't get it clean enough to take pictures of it. I do want to keeping posting things regularly though. So upon my search for random cool things I happened to stumble upon this which is fucking awesome. it Allows you to connect several different outputs; stereo, ipod, speakers, etc. It can fade music and shows you what song is coming up next and it looks like a tape. personally I'm a sucker for anything in the shape of a tape, boombox, turntables, etc. I can't help it. But I would love to carry this around with me and then suddenly be at a party or something where the music fails and I come to the rescue. At least that's how it plays out in my mind. So peep it!

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