Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rick Ross shows some serious presidential Love

(On a side note) I realized this was suppose to be a fashion blog, but without a working camera it's kind of hard to take pictures of my outfits. Now it's kind of about silly things that pop into my head. but that's ok.
(On a REAL note)  So the other day I was over at my friends place and they were watching music videos. I don't like most music videos, or at least the one's that play on MTV, but for Rick Ross I make an acceptation. Mosty because he's from Miami, and is the most mainstream dude to do so. And in this video I'm noticing how tatted up he is and get a glimmer of... Abe lincoln on his chest. Baffled I think, no it's something else but then, on the other side of his chest he has a picture of George Washington. DAMN this is one patriotic drug dealer turned rapper. This pictures aren't great but in both he's almost pointing at his beloved presidents. 
Top picture- Washington is in the upper right on his chest.
Bottom Picture - Don't get distracted by the beautiful body or the scarface boxers but Lincoln is on the left almost shoulder area. 
Hope you like it!

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